Thursday, April 17, 2014

Eye Opener

                      When you realized how important life really is you start to cherish every moment with the people you love

           One of the most meaningful experiences I have had as an adult has to be when my nephew was in a car accident. Last summer it all started with a phone call at six in the morning, from my mom crying and barley able to speak. All I heard my mom mumble was “Gavin is in ICU” Gavin is my eight year old nephew and I have been a big part in his life since birth, also my brother and our family have been having custody issues. When I arrived at Texas Children’s Hospital his mother started to explain that they were hit by a drunk driver. While at a red light the drunk driver was exiting the freeway and slammed into the back of her car. Everyone got out of the mangled car except my nephew he was trapped on the floor board between the seats. The fire fighter had to use the Jaws of Life to cut him free from the car. He was then taken by life flight to Texas Children's Hospital in downtown Houston.
           My poor nephews fore head was clasped as well as his right eye socket he went through several hours of facial reconstructive surgery. Thank god there was no brain damage only minor damage and swelling to his frontal lobe. Hours after his surgery he was talking and within four days he was walking around. 

           Gavin now only has a scar from ear to ear and now brags about how tough he is because of it. This experience changed me in multiple ways by, teaching me to cherish my family and to stop taking life for granted. While sitting in that ICU waiting room I realized that nothing mattered to me every problem, stress, and drama I had before this seemed so small and petty. Experiences like this make you see what is really important in life. This event changed my perspective on life I now see that someone you love can be taken away from you in a drop of a dime. So I learned to value the time with people I love and be thankful for the life I have. My family became even closer after almost losing my nephew. Finally, we realized that all that fighting over him and visitation problems did not matter all that really mattered was he still alive. Through this tragic nightmare my family and I were able to see the big picture that life is fragile treasure the people you care for the most. They say kids heal faster than adults, boy that is true!


  1. I'm glad your nephew healed so quickly from his injuries.

  2. I agree, moments like these are when you realize what is really important. This kind of moments make you value your loved ones so much more and makes you open your eyes on how something so tragic can happen so fast. He was in God’s hands and thankfully healed fast. He looks great!

  3. Thank God he had angels over him throughout the crash and recovery, and he was able to make it out safety. There is something about small children getting in serious injury that makes one realize how precious life really is. My sister lost her eight year old best friend in a car crash and it has really opened my eyes to the priorities in life. Traumatic events makes you cherish every moment you have with that loved one so much more. I am so happy that your nephew is a healthy young boy now, and I hope that drunk driver got in some serious trouble.

  4. Wow! I'm so glad he made it and there was no serious damage! It's incredible how hardy and resilient kids can be. If this had happened to an adult, I think it would be harder to be optimistic and take it in stride. An adult might be more guarded in the future, but kids are the complete opposite. He looks at them as battle scars! And I absolutely agree, we have to live life to the fullest. We cannot take life for granted. We only have one.

  5. This is such a touching story! I am glad your nephew is okay. I do not have any nieces/nephews of my own, so I cannot even imagine what you were going through, but I do know how hard it is to lose a loved one. Your nephew is a strong little boy. I agree with you about life. You never know when it will be someone's last day.
