Monday, January 27, 2014

Creative Energy

I channeled my creative energies as a child by swimming, participating in sports, and watching Disney movies. I some used these activities to escape the wild environment I lived in with my older siblings. As a child and still as an adult I love the outdoors and the water! I spent most of my summers at the pool or at the lake. My mom worked ten to twelve hour days at the hospital, so I spent a lot of time at the pool hanging out with my friends. My mom would drop me off at the local aquatic center on her lunch break and pick me up when she got off of work. Swimming shaped my life by keeping me busy and sometimes keeping me out of trouble. While at the aquatic center I loved to race the other kids from one side of the pool to the other. Sometimes I would imagine that I was being chased by sharks or piranhas, hoping it would help me swim faster. Now to this day I enjoy going to the gym and swimming laps in the pool. I swim now for exercise but in a way swimming continues to help with stress and releasing my restless energy. I love the water and it still and always will be an outlet for me.
 Another way I channeled my creative energies as a child was through sports such as softball and basketball. Playing sports helped me channel my creative energies by teaching me discipline and how to work as a team. Also sports shaped my life by teaching me how to accomplish a common goal by working together as a team. Participating in softball and basketball kept me active and out of trouble as a child. I believe sports helped me become more productive with my time and energy. Sports helped me release some of my built up tension and helped me go into my own competitive world. Playing the sports that I love helped me direct most of my passionate energy into a positive goal.  Now of days I do not play sports as much but, I sometimes shoot around on the basketball court at the gym. Even then I zone out while shooting three pointers reminiscing on old basketball games.

Finally, the last way I channeled my creative energies as a child was by watching Disney movies. When I was not outside or playing sports I was inside watching Disney movies such as, The Lion King, Pocahontas, and Bambi. While watching these Disney movies I would daydream and sometimes lose myself in the movie. I would imagine that I was in the film as a specific character; most of the time the main character. When my house would get hostile with all of my rowdy brothers and their friends that is when I would sneak off and watch my Disney movies. Each Disney movie I would watch I would get lost imagining that I was Pocahontas or Simba from the Lion King. I loved to get lost in every movie forgetting about reality and my crazy house hold.

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